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Shilajit pur et authentique

(1486 avis de clients)

£37.99 - £47.99

Résine de shilajit authentique récoltée à l'état sauvage avec acides fulviques et humiques, 85+ oligo-éléments, soutient le métabolisme et le système immunitaire.

Choisissez le Shilajit 100% authentique, récolté à l'état sauvage, pour de véritables bienfaits pour la santé. Ne vous contentez pas de ce qu'il y a de mieux dans la nature !

EXPÉDITION : Livraison gratuite


Modes de paiement
SKU : N/A Catégorie :


Résine de shilajit 100 % pure et de qualité or provenant directement de montagnes situées à une altitude de 14 000 à 17 000 pieds. La résine de Shilajit récoltée à l'état sauvage à cette altitude est de première qualité et contient plus de nutriments et est plus pure que les autres produits à base de Shilajit. Nous nous engageons à offrir à nos clients le produit Shilajit premium le plus rentable.

Attention aux faux Shilajit sur le marché !

De nombreux produits vendus aujourd'hui sous le nom de Shilajit ne proviennent pas authentiquement des montagnes mais sont produits artificiellement en laboratoire à l'aide d'acides fulviques et humiques. Ces imitations manquent de vitamines essentielles, de minéraux et des bienfaits naturels du Shilajit authentique.

Protégez votre santé - Évitez les imitations de Shilajit bon marché.

Les bienfaits du Shilajit pour les hommes

Amélioration de l'endurance et des niveaux d'énergie : Augmente la vitalité pour vous permettre de tenir toute la journée.
Favorise une production saine de testostérone : Favorise l'équilibre hormonal et la santé masculine en général.
Aide à la récupération musculaire : Aide à réduire l'inflammation et à améliorer l'endurance physique.

Les bienfaits du Shilajit pour les femmes

Stimule l'énergie et réduit la fatigue : Vous permet de rester actif et frais tout au long de la journée.
Équilibre naturellement les hormones : Soutient la santé reproductive et réduit les symptômes du syndrome prémenstruel ou de la ménopause.
Favorise la santé de la peau : Riche en antioxydants pour améliorer l'éclat et l'élasticité de la peau.
Améliore la vitalité et l'humeur : Restaure les nutriments essentiels pour un mode de vie équilibré.

Choisir le poids

30 Grammes, 45 Grammes

1486 commentaires pour Pure Authentic Shilajit

  1. Emily
    7 octobre 2015
    First off I am giving it five stars even though I can't stand the taste because it actually works! I do not mix it in a drink instead I form it into a little ball fill my mouth with water put it in and swallow so it doesn't even touch my tongue Since starting it I have noticed a difference in my mood and my energy level! I highly recommend to anyone looking to improve their health the natural way
    23 septembre 2015
    Meilleur prix !
    17 septembre 2015
    Shilajit is a fantastic supplement for maintaining your general well-being, and the quality of this product is superior to others I've tried A great way to take it is to add a teaspoon of ashwaghanda to milk and let the mix simmer for bit, and then adding a tiny bit of Shilajit Once the shilajit has dissolved, you're ready to drink It will help you sleep so well too :)
    S Kim
    3 septembre 2015
    I received my shilajit about a week ago I have been dissolving it in water, as instructed It has a very "earthy" taste, so I've been adding honey That helps a great deal Now before I go any further, I am an insomniac I have been for years Nothing my doctor has prescribed works without a price Be it hangovers, sleepwalking, loss of energy, you name it Since I started taking shilajit, I have b...More
    I received my shilajit about a week ago I have been dissolving it in water, as instructed It has a very "earthy" taste, so I've been adding honey That helps a great deal

    Now before I go any further, I am an insomniac I have been for years Nothing my doctor has prescribed works without a price Be it hangovers, sleepwalking, loss of energy, you name it

    Since I started taking shilajit, I have been sleeping better At this point, I am unsure if it's simply because I have had more energy during the day as a result of taking this product or if the shilajit itself is helping me sleep Either way, I'll take it I will continue to use shilajit in the meantime and update my review in a few more weeks
    Alex M
    22 août 2015
    I take supplements and use essential oils so natural products are not foreign to me Ive used this product for about a week now I am feeling better and I do regret when Ive forgotten a day It is very easy to use although it's a bit of a surprise when you open the package The product does take some time to dissolve so I usually walk away for a few minutes It does not taste good and there is no way t...More
    I take supplements and use essential oils so natural products are not foreign to me Ive used this product for about a week now I am feeling better and I do regret when Ive forgotten a day It is very easy to use although it's a bit of a surprise when you open the package The product does take some time to dissolve so I usually walk away for a few minutes It does not taste good and there is no way to sugar coat that If you mix it with something else it would be better I just toughed it out and did it quickly I think the upside of feeling better is worth the couple seconds of taste
    18 août 2015
    Shilajit is awesome! The natural health benefits are vast! Shilajit is traditionally consumed with fermented raw milk by people in Nepal, Northern India and Pakistan These are the Hunzan and Sherpan regions, where people are renowned for extremely old age and great health They have remarkable mental function as they age compared to Western countries and rarely ever have age-related disease in thes...More
    Shilajit is awesome! The natural health benefits are vast! Shilajit is traditionally consumed with fermented raw milk by people in Nepal, Northern India and Pakistan These are the Hunzan and Sherpan regions, where people are renowned for extremely old age and great health They have remarkable mental function as they age compared to Western countries and rarely ever have age-related disease in these regions
    Shilajit is a phytocomplex that contains over minerals in their ionic form and triterpenes, selenium, phospholipids, humic acid and fulvic acid These compounds have strong antioxidant properties, while the minerals help give shilajit an energy-enhancing effect Most shilajit compounds contain between -% fulvic acid, and the greater the content of fulvic acid, the more anti-aging properties the compound contains
    Fulvic acid is water-soluble, moves through the system quickly and acts as a potent antioxidant Recent studies have shown that the typical Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity (ORAC) of shilajit Shilajit is significantly higher than many fruits that are touted for their antioxidant capacity, such as noni and blueberries I was given this product at a discounted price, in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion and review!
    7 août 2015
    Great product A friend recommended I get Resin for my health problems I have mood swings bad and inflammation in my hands I researched and decided to buy Silajit
    Every since taking shilajit resin, I have noticed my hands don't get nearly as bad My husband this has saved our marriage because the mood swings have been reduced so much I will be buying again!
    29 juillet 2015
    I searched for real shilajit for a long time before finding this product I am very impressed with the quality of product and the customer service of the vendor I have been struggling with illness for awhile and I have experimented with many pharmaceutical and natural health products Nothing has come close to the healing power of this product I am experiencing energy and mental clarity that I haven...More
    I searched for real shilajit for a long time before finding this product I am very impressed with the quality of product and the customer service of the vendor I have been struggling with illness for awhile and I have experimented with many pharmaceutical and natural health products Nothing has come close to the healing power of this product I am experiencing energy and mental clarity that I haven't had in a long time While I do not believe in miracle cures, this shilajit could make me reconsider I highly recommend it
    21 juillet 2015
    This stuff is great I have had this for days now and it is amazing I am a mom of boys, yr and month old twins Very sleep deprived and this has helped me so much The smell is a little weird but I can handle that to have my energy back I add this to my morning coffee and I cannot even taste it I'm normally not one to take any supplements at all but it was time this over tired over worked momma t...More
    This stuff is great I have had this for days now and it is amazing I am a mom of boys, yr and month old twins Very sleep deprived and this has helped me so much The smell is a little weird but I can handle that to have my energy back I add this to my morning coffee and I cannot even taste it I'm normally not one to take any supplements at all but it was time this over tired over worked momma tried something and I'm so glad I did I wish I would've found this when my twins were newborns I am still giving this a full trial but days in and I'm convinced I should get this again
    Isabelle Witte
    13 juillet 2015
    I have had such an increase in vitality for the past couple of months + I blame it on the ooey gooey tar-like shilajit that I have been consuming I roll the resin into a pea-sized ball + shoot it back with some alkaline water or mix it into warmed tonics It provides a gentle detoxification + overall system support during the night
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