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Shilajit and Sunburn

So the hot, sunny days have come and on holiday or on weekends we all go to the beach. And we all dream of quickly becoming the owners of a beautiful tan, but a long stay under the hot rays of the sun can often cause sunburn.

Shilajit is very effective for sunburn.

  • The remedy for sunburn is a 2% solution of shilajite with water. In our case, take 50 ml. boiled or purified water and 1 gram of purified shilajit. The water should be a little warm, so that the shilajit dissolves well.

The resulting solution has a dark brown color and a specific odor, but it helps a lot. This solution should be wetted burnt skin at least 3 times a day. Unpleasant pain sensations take place after a day of use.

Also, you can mix shilajit with your body cream, the cream will additionally moisturize your skin.

  • Mix one teaspoon of water with 4-5 grams of Shilajit resin and then proceed to take 3oz of body cream and add it to the mix. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and use it 1-3 times per day for maximum results.